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Parenting Chaos & the Great Unbundling

Hey There Awesome

It's been a WHILE.

Where have we been?

Living in the chaos of having 2 children (3 years old and 11 months).

What have we been up to?

  • Navigating life as parents of a child with disabilities (Cerebral Palsy) one of which has received a life changing diagnosis. If we aren't sick, we are shuttling to a minimum of 3 appointments a week.

  • Traveling on our first little family road trip to Lincoln City, OR.

  • Counselling: need I say more???

  • Learning to love the great outdoors a little more.

  • Resa turned 3 and I turned 29 (Theo will turn 1 in a month and Kyle will turn 38 in August).

Pictures from our trip to Oregon the first week of May:

Resa's Third Birthday:


When we get a second to think, we burn out on our sleep deprived minds to try to process the absolutely MASSIVE life changes that have recently occurred. I will list them, but I genuinely can't emphasize the magnitude of each one's effect on our lives at this current moment.

  1. We no longer live in a multi generational home: our extended family (the kids’ Auntie and GG) have moved out after 3+ years together, allows us to really relax into the volatile dynamic of our little family. We can stretch out for the first time since purchasing our home, but we do miss the closeness and back-up childcare!

  2. Unbundling: We left our church family of (for me) 20+ years where we met and were married. We joined a local church where we live and have sought greater understanding of the faith handed to us with all it's complexities. We've sought (and found) much inner healing from extensive spiritual abuse and relational neglect.

  1. New Name and Enneagram Type: I (Aubrey) had the honor of rededicating my life to Christ in the act of water baptism at Legacy Church here in Washington and received a new name that I believe came from the Lord: Jubilee. I've decided to change my name formally, however that will have to stay on the back burner for the time being. It was largely in response to a similarly massive shift in my "inner healing" in which I realized that I am not a type 7 on the enneagram as I had previously assumed. Thanks to the help of some friends in the band Rend Collective and their podcast "Where's the Joy in That?" (Highly recommend) I realized I am a type four.

  2. Kyle's diagnosis: For those of you who know us well, you know the diagnosis Kyle received. While it's not life threatening, it has proven to be more life altering than imagined. We are so grateful to be made aware of what Kyle was suspicious of in the first place, but we are often stressed by the medication and accommodations needed to keep him safe and healthy. Being parents to littles is definitely not advised for his condition, so we do our best to give each other naps during the day. We have survived on the help of family members as our plumbing, landscaping, and other parts of our house have needed energy that we just don't have.

  3. I have completely removed myself from all social media for good on moral grounds. It's been months now and I am not keeping count, because I don't care to. I believe that without federal and ethical restraints, social media is toxic to its users and I refuse to have my precious time and attention sold to the highest bidder. I choose a slower path (see JMC's book "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry" for more details on that as well as the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma").


I have never wanted to be more creative nor have I ever had less time and energy in my whole life. I don't doubt that we will forget most of this season on the other side, so we take as many pictures and videos as we can.

My goal with this blog is to send up a red flare to friends and family that says, "YES we are still alive, but NO we don't expect to return to normal society anytime soon." I wanted to supply you with evidence that we still exist and that we are thriving even under the difficult situations handed to us. I also aspire to empathize with other mums and dads of young children: we CAN do this. Keep going!

We are wired into some incredible communities and have the support we need to keep growing.

My next blogs should be revisions of Resa's Birth stories and other topics like Theo's birth, other travels, and my humble journey to a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle as a rebel fashionista.


Please email us and connect with us the old-school way, because we LOVE hearing news from outside the blackhole that is parenting young children.

No business plug and no external link! Just have an awesome day and remember that you are so loved by God.

Thanks for reading and being a part of Team Craviotto in the CraviAwesome Tribe.


Kyle, Jubilee, Resa, + Theo


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