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GOODBYE 2019, HELLO 2020!

Happy New Year CraviFamily!

It's time for another CraviBlog!

Look how skillfully I add "Cravi" to EVERYTHING.

It’s good to be back at my laptop creating a blog for you about another year that’s passed.

Remember my goal to write a blog every month??? Yeah, that didn't happen.

In hindsight, having a baby and being a new momtrepreneur (mom + entrepreneur) isn't conducive to blogging!

Truth is, we've been swamped with adjusting to the "new normal." We're amazed when we accomplish anything. Fortunately, there have been quite a few wins amongst the chaos! Let's get right to it (that is why you're here after all)!



It's true. This blog is brought to you by Sleep Training at 7 months.

In 2019, we finished a beautiful rainbow pregnancy (pregnancy after loss). We experienced a difficult but empowering labor/birth process and welcomed Resa to the world.

We not only had a Maternity Photoshoot with Sue, we did a follow up shoot to show the fulfillment of our joy in this difficult journey called parenting. It’s hard to believe it’s already been 3 years since we experienced the loss of our son. 3 years of refining grief and incredible joy.

We made sure to include my mom and sister in the pictures since they live with us in our house which we refer to as CraviCastle.

When she was brand new, or little Rainbow Resa needed some help breathing, but she has proven to us all from day one that she is strong and healthy!

She has been in 12 month clothing since she was 6 months old.

She is almost 8 months now, and has all 4 of her front teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), PRAISE GOD.

Resa caught her first flu bug on Anthony’s memorial day and we found ourselves at the Urgent Care. Our hands and hearts were trembling. She pulled through just fine after a few hours rest and a lot of barfing.

She can say “hi” and can crawl remarkably well...on her back. She is still figuring out the forward crawl thing.



2019 was the first year that we actually wrote down a vision/ mission statement for our family. IT WORKED WONDERS.

We didn't have any idea how to brainstorm one, but we tried anyway. Here was what we came up with:


In hindsight, that is still way too vague, but it set us on the right course and I would say we did accomplish it in more ways than one.

For instance, in 2019 I decided to start sharing my personal growth journey through Instagram. I stepped away from Facebook and a few other things to allow for some healing!

I've begun to share how I see the world as a Christian, wife, mom, and woman. Also, someone who has experienced anxiety, depression, and loss. My hope is that my openness will lead to breakthrough for other people.

I started counselling for learning to cope with anxiety and have already seen incredible changes and breakthroughs in my mental health.

We also finally started our own BEMA small group after listening into the podcast for over a year!

This group “wrestles” with scripture (The Bible) looking at it from a Jewish perspective and the historical context in which it was written. It bridges our Evangelical Christian Worldview and Western perspective with the Eastern perspective. Make sure to check out Marty and Brent on their incredible podcast!

I'm so grateful to these guys for teaching me that I can learn to interpret scripture for myself and "wrestle" with its application.

This has been the second greatest influence on my life in 2019.

The greatest growth motivator was definitely giving birth to Resa.

(If you haven’t yet, make sure to read the whole story in my previous two blogs!)

We also began our life changing study of the Enneagram using Chris Heuertz’s book The Sacred Enneagram in between the trips.

Learning about the “9 types” of personalities, how they interact, and their strengths/ weaknesses has truly changed our marriage. I listened to all 9 of the Sleeping At Last Podcast episodes and fell in love with the song for the Enneagram type 1.

I think I'm a natural born 7 who values freedom above all, but I took on the righteous crusade of a 1 when my parents divorced, feeling like I had to take the roll of protector.

I would love to write a blog on this topic!

Rachel Hollis's book Girl Stop Apologizing was life changing for me as well.

I can't recommend that book enough to any other moms/women wanting to know how to overcome their fears and follow their dreams! I didn't even think I was allowed to have dreams now that I'm a mom. How WRONG I was.

The book Essentialism by Greg Mckeown helped me to hone in my efforts so that I worked "smarter not harder." You'll see me drop quotes from this book in my Instagram pretty often since it impacted me so greatly!

Here is a great video sneak peak! (LINK)



We traveled to Seattle twice!

Once for work when Resa was 2 months old and another when she was around 4 months for PAX convention, an impromptu vacation in Seaside OR, and another business trip!

Both were a bit scary because we are doing all of this parenting stuff for the first time with Resa. We always learn about ourselves when we travel, though!

PAX West (gaming convention) was such a blast.

We were happy to have my sister with us so she could experience it as well.

On the Oregon Coast, we came face to snout with a raccoon while sitting in a hot tub! Okay... it was in the tree right above us, but it was BIG and we were terrified! On our return to Seattle, we got to see our buddies more than once, which was the highlight for us both.

We are excited to announce that we are going on a Marriage cruise this year! It will be a big one and there are NO CHILDREN ALLOWED.

You might be wondering what we're planning to do with Resa while we're gone and how we're going to survive without our baby girl...

We are proud to say that we have total faith in our family, here in town. They will take amazing care of her!

We have a big milk supply and we are praying for super strength to focus on our marriage while we are away so we can be even better parents when we come back!

I can't wait to post a blog and review of our cruise since it's basically a marriage retreat on the sea. <3



Yoga isn't a great weight loss plan in itself (despite what someone will probably try to sell you), but it is an incredible tool. Through breastfeeding, yoga, and some new healthy behavior like hikes, I lost all my pregnancy weight within a mater of a few months. I need yoga now more than ever and have come into a new dedication in my personal practice.

This year I was interviewed for a staff position at Holy Yoga. They were looking for a graphic designer/ social media manager and I was miraculously connected just at the right time to interview! The opportunity came and went in a matter of weeks, but the connection was SO encouraging to be considered. It helped me to discern that my desire is less to teach Holy Yoga and more to equip other people and make resources for current instructors and students!

I hope to create such quality material, that I can eventually begin making content for Holy Yoga directly. (#2020goals right???)



After my Rachel Hollis pep talk, I started taking myself more seriously and believing in my potential in every area of my life.

My wonderful Midwife Terri believed in me as well and hired me as Media Assistant in her company! I got the opportunity to network with INCREDIBLE mamas in the area. I grew my skills and learned more than I could have imagined. That job helped me identify where I wanted to go with my business "CraviAwesome."

Also, around the beginning of the year when I was in with my AWESOME chiropractor, Michael of Guardian Health Chiropractic (link), when I got a spark of inspiration to ask about his wife’s recent graduation from NIC, which is where I first learned about Melinda and The Hive CDA (a wonderful future space that will be a learning annex and workspace for women).

Connecting with amazing professionals like Sue Johnson aka CDA Birth Photographer and Inland Mama Amy Plass made me realize, I not only loved collaboration and encouraging other local business owners, I might even have “the right stuff” to start building my own business.

I took part in The Buzz (The Hive's fundraising event) and finally saw I belong as a mom, wife, professional, woman, and encourager. I became a "founding member" with the hopes of not just doing business for myself, but also inspiring other women through creative arts!

(Make sure to go check out The Hive!)

I decided to start building the brand "CraviAwesome" full time. I'm proud to report that I've FINALLY registered as an LLC with Washington State! This process has been in the works for 4 years now!

It’s worth stating, that working for Spokane River Midwives was my absolute favorite job, next to working for Otis Fitness as a Holy Yoga Instructor. Terry makes it her mission to grow and connect Birth Professionals in the area to their fullest potential- and now even graphic designers!



One of my goals that I made half way through 2019 was to create a functioning Capsule Wardrobe, and I NAILED IT.

I still have some things to let go of and haven’t figured out the best places to shop for long lasting and ethical clothing, but I am proud to say that everything matches at least!

Kyle and I started and completed the KonMari Method in 2019.

Our sock drawers still look FANTASTIC.

The Kitchen has proven to be the hardest, since we haven’t quite settled into our house (it has been 2 years now!).

Speaking of our house, I have been a driving force behind a bunch of remodeling projects. I have repainted 3 rooms and added accent colors here and there throughout the year. I am most excited to have finished repainting our bedroom trim and vanity white. It looks GREAT.

My goal this year is to get a few more plants (real or fake) and to repaint all the trim and kitchen cabinets. It’s a HUGE undertaking, but I love the challenge.

Kyle loves that I'm so intrinsically motivated and helps out on the weekends!

I also began throwing out all the cleaning products in our house that contain harmful or dangerous ingredients (minus a couple like bleach) and we are happy to report, those changes have been permanent and increasing!

We have created a safer home by going mostly organic and natural with our cleaning methods and hygiene products.

The biggest battle was finding the right deodorant for each of us!

Also, let it be known that I've had a blast getting my hair done with Brandi Epps "the color wizard!" (My name for her. LOL)

Be sure to go see her if you want something sensible or fun! Here is her link!

Worship Arts & Vocals

Thanks to our incredible pastors at Real Life Ministries in Post Falls, Idaho, we have been given access to some LEGIT resources!

I successfully completed a course on The Worship Vocalist’s website and am onto my Master Class. It has been a challenge to make time and remember to practice my vocal warm ups, but I have seen a NIGHT AND DAY difference between my skill level in performing vocally since I started the courses.

I'm committed to growing and hopefully become an instructor and mentor for other women in worship arts in the future.

I've also begun talks with a friend about recording music. The first step is to record songs I've written and I'm realizing I need to write more! My goal is to become a part of a project where I can collaborate with other musicians, but the opportunities seem limited from where I'm sitting.

After going to college for music, and coming out a graphic designer/ yoga instructor, I am feeling a bit disconnected from the music scene, which I hope will change!



Console Gaming

Destiny 2 on Xbox is still our main game, but we've had so much fun playing minecraft on my mom’s server and playing Elder Scrolls or Fortnite every once in a while.

Resa seems to really enjoy the cuddles that gaming with daddy provides, and I often use the time that Kyle plays to work on building my business.

I join in as much as I feel inspired to. I'm so grateful to my hubby and sister (natural gamers) for being patient and accepting with my energy boundaries.

It is just not as energizing for me to play as depleting for some reason!


The game we never knew we would LOVE.

We started our first campaign as a “one-shot” and loved it so much, we continued at are already past our 6th session with the brilliant Tyler as our Dungeon Master.

Playing D&D completely relit all the childlike parts of my brain, and I'm forever grateful for the inspiration I've gotten through playing.

We laugh about how we were all taught D&D was “the devil’s game” growing up, but how truly incredible and life changingly good it really is.

It’s great to be a part of a group that is SO safe and invested. We still need training wheels, but we have grown exponentially with Tyler’s help!

Look forward to some fun character profiling and stories to come!


We haven’t been able to Cosplay much, but we were so honored to have won 2nd place in the Game Church Cosplay Contest on Facebook this year. Connecting with Game Church was so cool for us.

For Halloween, I tried to get a couple cosplay together as Aragorn and Arwen from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, but fell short after a few really bad dress purchases.

Actually... Resa is the only one of us who got to Cosplay this year...

I'm looking to do a photoshoot with my Pinkie Pie costume so I can finally share it with you guys!



This year is the BIG 2020.

The pressure of the year has completely overwhelmed me. All I can commit to this coming year is to honor my process, leave my comfort zone, become healed and healthy, and actively encourage everyone I can.

I'll be working toward processing every hurt I can remember so I can find healing enough to displace anxiety and depression altogether. I plan to share every step of the journey that I can.

I'll be raising a beautiful baby girl and teaching her as much as I can.

I will be loving my family and especially my husband Kyle!

I'll be working with The Hive CDA to grow my local community of women into their full potential!

I'll be making AWESOME art for myself and for others!

I hope your year will be a year to remember.


If you found encouragement from this blog, have questions, or just plain want to chat, make sure to contact me and connect with on Instagram!

(Facebook is no longer a thing as of now for me, so Instagram and this blog are my main ways to communicate.)

Make a member profile and subscribe while you are here.

Thanks for reading!

Stay Awesome,



Works Cited:

Cadwallader, Melinda, and Delia Cadwallader. “Coworking.” The Hive CDA,

“Guardian Health - Coeur D'Alene, ID.” Facebook,

Heuertz, Christopher L. The Sacred Enneagram: Finding Your Unique Path to Spiritual Growth. Zondervan, 2017.

Hollis, Rachel. Girl, Stop Apologizing: a Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals. HarperCollins Leadership, an Imprint of HarperCollins, 2019.

Johnson, Sue. “CDA Birth Photographer.” CDA Birth Photographer,

McKeown, Greg. Essentialism the Disciplined Pursuit of Less. Virgin Books, 2014.

“Sleeping At Last.” Sleeping At Last,

Solomon, Marty, and Brent Billings. “BEMA Discipleship.” BEMA Discipleship,

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