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2020 is Yesterday's News

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Welcome back family and friends to a very simple, yet truly awesome blog!

Like a lot of folks around the world, I made quite a few unrealistic resolutions that not only didn't stick in 2020, but actually went inside out and backwards.

I thought this "year in review" blog post would be a celebration of all the incredible progress I've made in our new business. I thought it would be an extensive list of collaborations and resources. So instead of blabbing on about my non-existent accomplishments, let's talk about what ACTUALLY happened this year for Team Craviotto.


Moving Forward and Getting Connected:

We were grateful to find a local church here in Liberty Lake that has really connected us to our community. We knew we were home the moment we walked through the doors, but we didn't expect to also become like family at Legacy so quickly.

If you find yourself disconnected or needing encouragement, please consider joining our church's live stream!

Go to for information!

Valentines Week Cruise:

We got the incredible privilege in February to go on Family Life's "Love Like You Mean It" 10th anniversary cruise on The Allure of the Seas (aka the second largest cruise ship in the world).

Resa's extended family came together to make a once-in-a-lifetime adventure happen for us, and we are SO grateful. We met incredible couples, visited some of the most beautiful places on the planet, and had more good food and alcohol that we will likely ever have again.

As a mama in the midst of mental and emotional suffering from postpartum anxiety and depression, it was exactly what I needed to cultivate joy.

The memories we made that week really sustained us through the difficulties that 2020 brought our way.

Social Media Purge, Buzzed Head, and Sabbath Celebrations:

This year we did A LOT of introspection. I found a Christian Counsellor and learned some incredible tools to process my thoughts and avoid anxiety.

I withdrew from social media entirely and was able to get to the bottom of why I felt the need to perform. I got reacquainted with myself and didn't get caught up in the fear/drama of social media as things started to spiral due to COVID.

I had gotten so emotionally, relationally, and financially entangled with the style and color of my hair that I forgot how to be bare and original with my loved ones...and myself. So I buzzed my hair.

We began our own Sabbath practice. Every Friday after dinner until Saturday after dinner, we rest with no exceptions. We play and nap and make music. We enjoy the best things of life. This revitalized our marriage, parenting, and spirituality. We decided to spend a full day every week remembering that God loves us beyond what we have or do or even what the world thinks of us.

We don't have to build our own empires or be slaves to the empires of those around us. We recognized that the world goes on without us on our Sabbath and it is GOOD.

Cravi Kids

Resa is 20 months old in the year 2020 and will be 21 months in 2021 and she's like a new person every single day.

She walks enthusiastically, though sometimes only in circles and holding a hand or a wall.

She still LOVES to dance. Her favorite songs are still "Can't Stop the Feeling" and "Happy," but if you sing or make a resemblance of a beat, her feet start to dance and she swings her little hips.

When she plays with other children, she is quiet, watchful, and shares. It seems to make no difference to her if her friend is older, younger, bigger, or smaller. She seems to yield all her toys and attention to anyone she is with. She has been known to startle easily at loud noises and cry, but she has yet to throw a fit.

She's as empathetic as we guessed she might be. When Resa's friend Ellie got her fingers pinched in a drawer, Resa cried with her out of empathy.

Resa gets along very well with the cats and they seem to really trust her.

Resa's favorite word is, "Hi." While we're certain she knows many other words, she loves to greet people. That might be because we always let her know we are happy to see her.

She is still our greatest evidence of God's faithfulness. She is the rainbow after our storm of tears for her big brother Anthony whom we remember always.

Anthony would have celebrated his 4th birthday this year. Somehow we managed to sing "Happy Birthday" to Anthony at his memorial site, though it was with more than a few sobs and tears.

The pain of his death still exists deep in our hearts but we're convinced that the pain is a gift.

It's proof he still holds our hearts the same way he did 4 years ago and we will never forget the love he brought into our lives by merely existing.

That being said, we are so excited to continue to announce that we are pregnant once again.

We're 11 weeks along with baby #3, as of Christmas, and it's already been a rough and beautiful ride.

Nausea, gas pains, migraines, and more. You name it, I have been experiencing it. My body knows the drill and requires double the daily meals (yes that means second breakfast) and all the emotions.


While COVID-19 did make a pass through our household, since I was newly pregnant I only felt 48 hours of exhaustion and "COVID brain."

Kyle and Resa showed no symptoms at all.

My mom and sister got the brunt of it and it has been a team effort to pull ourselves back into a regular rhythm.

Not long after our quarantine lifted, Kyle had a "Grand Seizure" (a seizure lasting more that 1 minute).

He lost all mobility and was transported to a local hospital where he received a CAT scan and MRI which determined he has a brain condition called Cavernoma or Cavernous Malformation.

Kyle is doing better than ever now thanks to anti seizure medication. This was an answer to our long standing questions about the brain fog episodes he was having. They turned out to be mini localized seizures which have been alleviated by the new medication.

Kyle has since seen a Neurosurgeon and Neurologist. Both said his condition seems good and completely normal.

Prayers for complete healing are, of course welcome and encouraged!


Many more exciting and terrifying things happened within our family this year, but this is the stuff that happened to Kyle, Resa, and I.

I have to say, we are so grateful that you're here reading this blog right now.

We can't say thank you enough to all the loved ones we have received support from. This year was full of grief, loss, and new normals for us as we are sure it has been for you as well and we want you to know that we care.

Please keep us in the loop and make sure to email us any questions you have about our story so far.


If you relate with any parts of our story such as child loss, Postpartum depression/anxiety, Anxiety, health concerns, etc. know that we spend time praying for you. We care about how you experience God's love and how redemption finds its way into your story.

Out of deep reverence for the loss that 2020 brought and the genuine humility it's cultivated in us, we aren't announcing any New Years goals and have decided to adopt "behaviors" instead. We are excited to decide what our focus will be in 2021, because we know it will be transformative.


Until next time:

May God double bless you and awesomeness be around the next corner in 2021!

Love Kyle, Aubrey, Resa, + Baby aka CraviAwesome.

In memory of Anthony Clarence.


Don't forget to visit my instagram page for encouraging art and little updates on our day to day life!

Special thanks to Sue Johnson for the beautiful photos! Make sure to check her out at CDA Birth!

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